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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Bedford Men's Warming Shelter Helped Warren Fox Find a place to live

BEDFORD - OCTOBER 29, 2022 - After eight years of homelessness Warren Fox is now living in his own apartment thanks to the highway bridge crew who told him about the shelter last year.

Warren Fox and Pamela Dean volunteer at the Bedford Men's Warming Shelter, Fox who stayed at the shelter last year, returns to help the shelter as he is back living in his own place

In addition, Bedford Men's Warming Shelter helped Fox with resources to put the pieces of his life back together again and live independently.

The Men's Warming Shelter have counselors and various agencies who help assist the clients with getting their birth certificates, identification, health consultations, dental, and other needs to get them on the way to a normal life. Many with jobs and living on their own after coming through the doors at the shelter.

Warren was living under a bridge in Morgan County, and a bridge was set to be demolished a local bridge crew told Fox about the Men's Warming Shelter. Fox found his way from State Road 37 to the shelter, and this is where things begin to improve for him.

Fox was not on alcohol or drugs; he fell on hard times. The Men's Warming Shelter helped him get his disability back, in fact it was on hold since he did not have a bank account. Then, the shelter helped him find an apartment. The shelter then helped him get his medications that he needed.

In order to pay it forward Fox now volunteers and is putting back what the shelter has helped him accomplish over the last year.

" He was the first one up at the shelter, who started cleaning and keeping things organized at the shelter while he stayed here," said Heather Flynn Director Men's Warming Shelter.

" I have always tried to keep myself clean and presentable even living homeless. Sometimes that required washing myself in a creek. But, about once a week a local place allowed me to get soap, shampoo and hygiene items," said Fox.

Fox shared a letter to the editor that he wrote to the Mooresville newspaper some time ago.

Angels Who Are They?

  • An angel is the young lady who is raising her kids by herself.

  • An angel is the volunteer helps the hungry and in need

  • An angel is someone who helps the homeless person

  • An angel is someone who gives you a ride when you are walkig

  • An angel is someone a person who give you a smile when you need one

  • An angel is someone who listens and doesn't judge

  • An angel reaches out and makes you feel like you are not alone

  • An angel is lives with you or maybe next door to you

  • An angel is the someone the Lord smiles down on every day

  • An angel showed I didn't have to be alone and forgotten

  • Angels you know who you are

Warren Fox - Mooresville

" Once I was just like you. I had everything - now look at me!"

Think twice about your decisions

My name is Warren Fox I've been homeless for a year and half no. I''ve been under bridges, woods, and in shelters. I'm currently, living under a bridge just outside of Mooresville where II' have been a few times.

I'm writing this in hope that whoever reads this will not make the same decisions and mistakes I made.

Once I had what everyone else has, a place to live, a job, a relationship - now it's all gone. I am depressed I think about suicide at least once a day. It's sad, because I have eight brothers and sisters, and my girlfriend live less five minutes from this bridge, but I guess life goes on.

From the bridge, I wrote the following in hopes that if anyone is in my situation, you need to think twice before you give up what you have and those you love.

Homeless and Alone Forgotten

Here I am listening for a voice, any voice! Alone again, under the bridge, waiting.

For what I don't know, nighttime or daytime, someone to listen, someone to hear is all I need. My dreams are not like yours; my dreams are to survive another day. I'm depressed, alone just walking dead.

Sleeping here and there, under bridges and in the woods, watching for signs maybe a sign of hope or a way out. Sleeping in the cold or sweating in the heat.

Does anyone care, does anyone see? I'm all by myself, afraid to say, will you help me? will you reach out? Will you turn and run away? Will you care about me?

Once I was just like you. I had everything - now look at me!

Warren Fox - Mooresville

Since these letters to the editor were written things have gotten better for Warren thanks to the kindness and compassion of people and Bedford's Men's Warming Shelter.

The shelter can accommodate up to 28 men

The generosity of Lawrence County and the vision of the Men's Warming Shelter people do not have to stay in the condition they are in.

The many who have stayed at the shelter continue to give back and help volunteer in whatever the shelter needs at the time.

Many volunteers have come together to make sure the shelter succeeds and serves out its purpose for those in time of need.

Heather Flynn welcomes the community to come and see the facility located at 1414 H Street in Bedford. An Open-House will begin at noon on Sunday and last until 4:00 p.m.

Several soups will be served from potato, spicy chili, zesty zuppa, or old-fashioned chicken noodle? Tours are available 12 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and lunch served from noon until 2:00 p.m. every is welcome to attend.


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