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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Swearing In Ceremony for Bedford Police Officer and Firefighter Monday Afternoon

BEDFORD - JULY 18, 2022 - Bedford Mayor Sam Craig swore in and welcomed a new police officer and firefighter to the ranks of both departments. The ceremony took place at the beginning of the Bedford Board of Works and Safety meeting Monday evening.

Bedford Police Officer Sarah Haluda

Bedford Police Officer Sarah Haluda was sworn in as the next Bedford Police Officer and Ethan Lipscomb was sworn as the next Bedford Firefighter.

Aiden Lipscomb, nephew, Jackie Lipscomb, mother, Addisyn Lewis, daughter, Kathy Lewis, finance, and Jackson Lipscomb, son

In other business:

  • Approved the Rave Mobile Safety for five years in the amount of $4,150. 49 for the Utility Department notification system and SMART 911 for the Bedford Police Department

  • Approved street closure on September 10, 2022 for " Honoring of Heroes" from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on J Street between 15th and 16th Street. All businesses have been notified and Brad Bough will also remind the businesses a week prior to the event.

  • Accepted the retirement of Lieutenant Ronnie Prince from the Bedford Fire Department after serving the City of Bedford for 20 years

  • Accepted the probationary promotions of Senior Firefighter Jeremy Nolan to Lieutenant and Firefighter First Class Mark Andrew Roberts to Senior Firefighter following the retirement of Lt. Ronnie Prince

  • Approved the hiring of Charles S. Johnson to the Bedford Fire Department, Johnson has passed the interview and agility testing for the fire department

  • Accepted Isaac Crane to permanent status of the Bedford Fire Department. Crane left Bedford Fire Department to go to the Monroe Fire Protection District. Short time later Crane wanted to return back to Bedford Fire Department. Chef Hughes stated his one-year probationary period is up and is recommended back to the permanent status.

  • Approved the Bedford Police Department Standard Operating Procedure for off duty paid requirement. This policy will allow the department to give officers time off due to no fault of their own following working into an additional shift.

Bedford Fire Department Lt. Ronnie Prince retired after 20 years of service to the City of Bedford ( Courtesy photo)

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