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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

School Board Members Updated on Captial Improvement Project at Mitchell Schools

MITCHELL - JUNE 14, 2022 - The Mitchell Community School board members were provided updates to the Capital Improvement projects that are underway.

Construction project at Mitchell Community School facilities are moving right along

This includes the construction at the Maintenance building, football field, track and field project, and the construction phase will begin with the turf project at both the baseball and softball fields.

There are no major concerns to report at this time as the project in it infancy is moving well with the COVID 19 pandemic may cause some material delays in the future. However, at this point their have not been any major setbacks to the project as it moves forward.

In other business:

  • Accepted the bid from Premiere Fuels for the fuel contract who was the only bid submitted

  • Approved the one year extension of contract for Mitchell Junior High School Dean of Students

  • Approved the text book fees for the 2022-2023 school year. Any increases are due to normal text book increases

  • Approved the list of fundraisers for the 2022 -2023 school year

  • Approved the Mitchell Community Schools Educator and Growth and Evaluation Plan. A lot of work went into the plan, with feedback on how to make this process more efficient and help with the growth of new teachers, and provide a way for all teachers to grow professionally. The Special needs teachers will be evaluated using a different system to be able to help the teachers grow professionally in that area of education. The plan calls for evaluations to be conducted twice a semester.

  • Approved the disposition of equipment the corporation owns

  • Approved the North Lawrence Career Center Area Operating Agreement and CTE agreement

  • Approved a revised school calendar with all the breaks remaining the same for the school year.

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