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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Public Seminar on Bible Prophecy comes to Bedford Area, October 7th

Wyatt Allen will be coming to Bedford on October 7th

BEDFORD (10/3/2022) — Wyatt Allen, public speaker and author will visit Bedford for an extended seminar on the topic of Bible Prophecy and its relevance today. The event will be held in Quality Inn & Suites Bedford West several days a week beginning October 7 until October 18. Location change TBA after this.

The seminar, entitled “End-Time Hope”, is billed as “an interactive conference on Bible Prophecy aimed at showing how the Bible, current events, and the facts of Christian history can answer common questions and challenges to the Christian Church, its teachings, and practices. Attendees will find that prophecy is practical and full of hope.”

The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. and is open to the public.

Admission is free.

Topics will include: Bible symbolism, identity of the Anti-Christ and the Mark of the Beast, the rapture, America and Israel in prophecy, why God lets bad things happen to good people, the Bible and Health, Signs of the Times and many more.

An associate speaker of Amazing Facts International, Wyatt Allen has dedicated his life to making prophetic truth relevant to people of all faiths and backgrounds. He says that “during these meetings, I hope you will find my presentations clear, interesting, and honest. I believe you will also find prophecy exciting and easy to understand. Every message comes straight from the Bible and will open before you a bright and hopeful future. I’m confident that you will learn more in a few nights than you have in your entire life! This is a seminar you certainly don’t want to miss! I make you these sincere promises: 1) The Bible alone will be our textbook, 2) We will not beg you for your money, and 3) You will be blessed, challenged, and encouraged as you attend nightly.”

There will be a VBS program for children ages 4-11.

Attendees can expect free resource materials and nightly giveaways.

For more information on the October 7 Bedford seminar, including specific dates and times, please call or text (573) 260-5505 or visit their website at Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required.

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