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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Patrick Ault hired as North Lawrence Career Assistant Director

BEDFORD - OCTOBER 19, 2023 - Patrick Ault will begin October 23rd as Assistant Director North Lawrence Career Center.

Photo: Patrick Ault North Lawrence Career Center Assistant Director

" This opportunity came open, I spent the first third of my career in elementary education, the second in middle school education. I wanted to explore something at the high school level and they had a good thing going at Bedford North Lawrence High School," said Ault.

"The Career Center is important and relevant today for students can have plenty of avenues for a career," added Ault.

Ault has been teaching for more than 24 years in public education with 13 years in teaching, four years as principal in Owen County, and six and quarter in Greene County, and Ault is hoping to finish his career at the career center.

" I feel very blessed and honored to be here, and hope to do a good job," Ault concluded.

Students from all area 40 schools are eligible to attend and take advantage of any of the career center programs.

The North Lawrence Career Center plays a significant role in increasing the employability of area residents. With many a students given the opportunity the chance to expand advanced career and technical education with dual college credits, certifications, and worked based learning.


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