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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Operator escapes serious injury while Braxton Building on Paoli Square being demolished

PAOLI- NOVEMBER 3, 2023 - A operator working on a trac hole escaped serious injury Friday morning when it flipped.

Photo: The Trac Ho is about to be upsided Friday afternoon

Construction crews were demolishing the Braxton building on the Paoli square that was damaged by a tornado earlier this year on August 7th.

The incident occurred around 11:30 am Friday morning with emergency personnel from Orange County IU Lifeline Ambulance and Paoli Fire Department responding.

Photo: The photo was provided to the Lawrence County Zephyr

EMS crews evaluated the operator at the scene and refused transport to the hospital.

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The Braxton Building was one built in 1896 that sat on the east side of the square near Indiana State Road 56 east.

The owners of the Braxton Building just got their business back open following the COVI 19 pandemic and then the tornado struck up ending their plans.

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" We were just getting to open our business up to the public, we opened about three years ago , COVID hit and slowed our business down. This is just devasting to us," said Cecil Rowlette owner of the Braxton Building.

File photo

The Rowlette's lived in the apartment above the business when the August tornado struck.

Clean up efforts continue on Paoli s'square and business owners trying to get back to normal.


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