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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Oolitic Town Council Member Does not want on town's email system

OOLITIC - MARCH 2, 2023 - During Monday night's, Oolitic Town Council meeting, town council member Jon Broglin told the council he did not want on the town's email system.

Photo: Oolitic Town Council Steve Kerr, President Tangie Jenkins, Vice-President Brenda Corey, Johnny "Bob 'Dillion, and Jon Broglin

At the present time all Oolitc Town Council members use their personal email addresses to conduct the town's business. Soon that will be changing when the town will be going to a system that will allow up to 20 members to be placed on the email system.

However, Jon Broglin told the town council he did not want to be put on the system. If the law enforcement needed anything they would have to have a search warrant. The search warrant would have to list specific dates, times and details of what they are looking for.

In most criminal investigations the search warrant would seize the laptop, computer or other electronic device named in the search warrant.

In other business:

* Duke Energy will be replacing the streetlights throughout the town of Oolitic. With this new street light project, the town will be receiving reimbursement from Duke, and the savings in electric bills should be reduced to under half

* The town approved the purchase of a new welder for the town the cost would be up to $3,500

* Reported two sewer drains that have collapsed on Main Street near Hawkins Market. The town will be getting estimates on what the cost for the repairs to be, in addition how much funds are available to make those improvements. Zac Bell gave the council updates on other projects the utility department is working on

  • Town officials continue to work on the upcoming Hot Wheels Competition and anyone who wants to be part of the event can contact town hall about volunteering. A meeting is scheduled on March 6th and to reach out to Brenda Corey or the Town Hall

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