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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

North Lawrence Community School Board approves snow removal contracts

BEDFORD - JANUARY 23, 2023 - Due to staffing shortages the North Lawrence Community School board approved the snow removal contracts for elementary schools.

North Lawrence Community School Board members

According to school officials there are only 6 personnel available for the 12 trucks that can remove snow. Pro- Lawn was awarded for the contract at Shawswick, Lincoln and Oolitic Elementary schools. Stone City Excavating was awarded the snow removal contract at Needmore.

In other business:

  • The Joint Services Fund was closed out according to records the account showed a negative balance.

  • The board approved field trips for the FFA to Louisville, KY and out of state field trip for the Needmore Robotics team to travel to Council Bluff, Iowa.

In the corporations finanace meeting the officers of the school board was appointed to the finance committee.

The North Lawrence Community Schools has all of its investments with the Owen County State Bank.

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