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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

New Residential Construction in Bedford reaches $620,000 in month of June

DFORD - JULY 3, 2023 - New home construction to be a bright spot in the local economy with approximately $620,000 in construction costs over the month of June.

Two homes were constructed on Skyline Drive both construction costs total $120,000 each for a total of $240,000 in that neighborhood.

Photo: A new home construction is underway on Daffodil Lane in Bedford

The Bedford Planning department issued a total of 23 permits for the month.

There was a total of $316,415 in commercial construction for the reporting period with a remodeling project at the 3122 John Williams Blvd. on Bedford's west side.

Three homes were demolished in the city, with a total of three permits issued for the period which included homes 2322 30th Street, 1608 Central Avenue, and 1316 Q Street.

Permits issued for the Month of June include:

  • Commercial with inspections - 2

  • Commercial with no inspections - 1

  • Demolition permits - 2

  • New Residential construction - 7

  • Residential no inspections - 1

  • Residential with inspections - 9

  • Sign permits - 1

  • Total permits issued - 23


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