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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Mitchell to Keep Graduation the Same following last night’s school board meeting

MITCHELL - APRIL 10, 2024 - The tradition will continue as originally designed for this year’s graduation.

Concerns from students and the public over making the graduation more inclusive was met with great opposition from students and parents a like.

The graduation ceremony was brought to the board’s attention during the public comment section of the School Board meeting last night.

The top 16 (academics) girls in the junior class are invited to be archbearers during the commencement.

Many have a long family tradition of being part of this special honor.

This year, it has been changed to be the top 16 in the class regardless of gender. While the new protocol is more inclusive to all students, several public audience members voiced displeasure with the decision.

The changes were not discussed among the students but only organizers of the graduation.

Mitchell School board member Krystal Shelter released the following statement:

When I sought the position on the school board, I ran on a promise of transparency.

I’m giving you that now.

On March 25, I was asked for my opinion on changing graduation traditions. My response was that I didn’t think gowns were appropriate, but suggested the option of dress clothing. I said I didn’t think young men would want to be arch bearers, so I suggested we elevate the role of the ushers to give our young men a bigger role in graduation.

Obviously, as you’re aware, the changes were proposed anyway.

This morning, the school board listened to all of you and opted to step in and revert back to our traditional graduation ceremony.

Thank you, as always, for sharing your opinions. It is important.

Here is a link to last night’s school board meeting in it’s entirety the comment period was towards the end of the meeting:

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