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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Mitchell City Council Tables Most Issues During Meeting Monday Night

MITCHELL - JULY 22, 2022 - The Mitchell City Council held their regular scheduled meeting Monday night. Most of the agenda items were tabled for action to be considered at a later time.

  • The Industrial Park Shell Building proposal was tabled once again. The city attorney changed some legal language to the contract. City officials are making sure the building is up to city code

  • The stormwater fee proposal was tabled while there are still some questions, remaining on the proposed new fees. A public session is scheduled on August 9th at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will allow both city council members and city residents to ask questions addressed to Midwestern Engineers

  • The questions regarding a pool caretaker position are still being discussed. The city is considering reducing the amount of overtime of the position, and employees at the pool to be responsible for pool quality testing.

  • Discussion on the 2023 Salary Ordinances and Budgets are now under consideration. Pay increases of 10 percent for supervisory positions, and Mitchell Police Officers, pay increases of 8 percent for most other positions are proposed. This will be a substantial increase to the budget and may impact taxes. City council members will meet on August 9, to discuss the matter again.

Jenny Dearwester, Southern Indiana Development Corporation attended the meeting with the council approving 7 of the 10 applications for Owner/Occupied Housing Rehab project. The project funding will only allow some of the proposed work to be completed due to the amount of grant funds available.

The city will be filing a lawsuit to evict the property owner from her property at 415 South 7th Street. The property also is owned by two other property owners. Complaints about the condition of the home, people living in both campers, and barn. The property owner has several livestock on the property. The lawsuit will be filed in Lawrence County Circuit Court heard by Judge Nathan Nikirk.

Residents during the public comment period heard complaints about landlord owned properties and the conditions that residents are forced to live in. The request was for the city to enforce current ordinances.

In addition, stormwater runoff, speeding motorists, and trash being left on the street for trash pick-up were some of the other concerns expressed during the public comment period.

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