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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Mitchell City Council Conducts Budget Hearing on 2023 Budget

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

MITCHELL - SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 - Clarification to this story: The salary increase for Mitchell Police Officers is $8,000 a year salary for all police officers. And the fire department pays the fire department members per run. The budgeted amount for the Mitchell Fire Chief is $750 and the budgeted amount for the year for the Mitchell Assistant Fire Chief is $8,000.

The Mitchell City Council conducted a budget hearing for the proposed 2023 Budget which is $3,459,679. This is a 24 percent budget increase from the 2022 budget which was $2,772,810.

Mitchell City Council members discussing the 2023 Budget

The Mitchell Council approved an 8 percent pay increase for most of their employees except for the Mitchell Police Department officers which will receive one time payment of $8,000 per officer in 2023. The Mitchell City Police Chief will receive a 10 percent pay increase. Mitchell Police Chief will receive a salary of $56,900 which is an increase of $1,900 in 2023.

The Mitchell Fire Chief Salary is $750, and the Assistant Fire Chief Salary is $8,000 which is an increase of $2,000 for 2023.

Most of the increases was budgeted for price increases for materials and fuel costs that have fluctuated over the last year. There are some expected repairs and renovations at the city pool in 2023 that will require some money put towards those projects.

No one from the public spoke for or against the proposed budget which will be adopted at its October meeting.

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