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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Lawrence County Sheriff Warns County Council Request More Money For Fuel in October

LAWRENCE COUNTY - ( March 31, 2022) - Lawrence County Sheriff Mike Branham warned the Lawrence County Council he will be back in October to ask for $60,000 . Due to rising fuel costs, this additional cost was not budgeted.

Fuel costs will affect the budget of the Lawrence County Sheriff's Department

In other business:

  • Approved additional appropriation salary changes moving two health employees to different pay scales. This would not affect the county budget as the Lawrence County Health Department has its own tax. The council approved the appropriation

  • Approved Bruce Andis request for contract attorney as the agency is down two public defenders. The request was approved for $20,000

  • Approved Chad Shew request for Additional and transfer of $20,000 for the purchase of a new vehicle. The vote was 6-1 on both as Mike Wright thought the purchase need to be a General Motors product.

  • Purdue Extension gave the annual report to Lawrence County Council members and introduced new employee Grace Thompson.

  • Mike Branham gave updates on the jail population, and the department is currently updating policies at the security center.


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