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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Lawrence County Libertarian Party Says Local Government Lacks Transparency and Openness

LAWRENCE COUNTY - JUNE 11, 2022 - Lawrence County Libertarian Party during its meeting and convention on Saturday expressed concerns about the lack of transparency and open form of government at the local level.

Lawrence County Libertarian Candidates for local and Congressional offices

Lawrence County Council members last budget cycle passed one of the largest budgets in the history of Lawrence County government at approximately $28 Million. This included double digit raises passed for county elected leaders, and approximately 40 percent of the county budget going towards local justice, and lack of transparency of where the county's CARES Act Fund ended up.

" It is troubling to me that during the county council meeting there is not discussion or questions on where the money is being spent, what the money is being used for, or any conversation in the public about what is being voted on," said Niklaas Sinard Lawrence County Council District 4 Candidate for the Libertarian Party.

" Regardless of whether the money is coming from grants, tax revenues, or government programs, the need, terms and conditions of these funds need to be weighed for their effectiveness," Sinard added.

The concerns from Hoosier Uplands $49,500 Drug Free Community grant funding and no questions on what, or how that money is being disbursed was even addressed in the Lawrence County Council meeting.

" Transparency and the way our tax money is being spent needs to be looked at closer on the local level. We are ready to embark on the building of a $46, Million-dollar Correctional facility when the county failed to repair, or renovate or take care of its existing facility," said Jason Tyler Russell Lawrence County District # 2 Candidate.

" We need some accountability by our elected leaders to where our money is being spent, especially when our tax money is being used, and continues to increase.

The convention also voted to allow a challenger to Marshall Township Advisory Board race which is Robert "Bob" Friede who challenge other the Republican candidates for a place on the township advisory board.

" I would like to challenge the Republican candidate for Sheriff Gregg Day for a debate to challenge his stance on Red Flag Laws and Indiana State Police stance on cannabis . The arrest on victimless crimes," said Darin Kinser Libertarian Candidate Lawrence County Sheriff.

The Libertarian Party has been increasing in popularity over the last several years, especially when previously Libertarian Indiana Governor candidate Donald Rainwater started challenging the existing two-party system on several issues affecting Indiana taxpayers, and residents on a variety of issues. Those being education, gun laws and local ordinances and regulations that keep government involved in every aspect of a person's life.

" It is great to see an increasing amount of candidates on the local, state, and federal level running as Libertarian candidates," said Greg Hertzsch Representative District 9 Libertarian Party Central Committee.

Libertarian candidate for the 9th Congressional District, Tonya Millis told the Lawrence County Zephyr " The two-party system is hurting our country, Vote Gold,"

Lawrence County Libertarian Party plans to be part of the Limestone Heritage Festival on June 25th and hold a Liberty Bash planned for September 10th being held at the Harp Commons with more details on the Liberty Bash to be held at a later time.

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