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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines


LAWRENCE COUNTY - DECEMBER 6, 2022 - The effort between the Lawrence County Prosecutors Office, Lawrence County Public Defender's Office, Lawrence County Sheriff's Department and all the Lawrence County Courts have continued to pay off with the reduction in the jail population.

The jail population was reported at 78 inmates and with a low as 56 inmates earlier in the week according to officials.

Most of the inmates now are there only for a short-stay verses being held in the jail for an extended period of time. This has benefited the staff and keeps stress levels down for all those involved.

Lawrene County Superior Court II Judge Bob Cline continues to monitor the jail population making sure people that need to be incarcerated are incarcerated and the public safety of Lawrence County is addressed first. Every inmate is given opportunity to post bond in timely manner, and the courts, prosecutor's office keep a close eye on those being housed at the jail, none for extended period of time unless they need to be.

During his presentation, Lawrence County Chief Public Defender reports that his office has been able to not have any cases turned in for contractual labor since he has been in his position. This has been a cost savings to the county.

The troubled public defender's office had previously had issues with staffing, large number of CNHS cases and at one point had to refuse to take on additional caseloads due to the number of each of the public defenders have been assigned cases.

The proper staffing levels have been efficient in addressing the issues surrounding the public defender's office. The county is reimbursed 40 percent of the cost of the public defender's office.

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