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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Lawrence County Commissioners to Meet Tuesday May 10th

LAWRENCE COUNTY - MAY 6, 2022 - The Lawrence County Commissioners will meet on Tuesday May 10 at 9:30 at the Lawrence County courthouse.

Lawrence County Commissioners left to right: Wally Branham, President Rodney Fish, Dustin Gabhart

Lawrence County Commissioners Meeting

May 10, 2022

9:30 A.M.

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Approval of Minutes for: April 26, 2022 Meeting

3. Approval of Claims

4. Approval of Payroll

5. Appointments:

Brad Hawkins – Petition to Vacate Right-of-Way

6. Items for Consideration:

Knotting Hill Drive

7. Department Reports:

Highway – Brandi Webb

Emergency Management – Valerie Luchauer

Sheriff – Mike Branham

8. Any Unfinished Old Business:

9. Adjournment.



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