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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Lawrence County Commissioners Approve Rental Agre County Fairgrounds for Election

LAWRENCE COUNTY - (March 1, 2022) - The Lawrence County Commissioners approved the rental agreement with the Lawrence County Fairgrounds for this year's election.

Voter Registration moved to the Lawrence County

The voting locations for this year's General Election will be held at Lawrence Courthouse lobby, Parkview, Bedford -North Lawrence High School, Needmore and Mitchell Community Center.

" I want to thank the Lawrence County Commissioners for moving voter registration to the Lawrence County Plaza," said Lawrence County Clerk Billie Tumey.

In other business:

  • Tabled request from Brad Hawkins and Mike Hane on Right of Way issues on Old State Road 37 North

  • Approved the Landfill monitoring agreement, which was raised this year, the total cost for the monitoring of the landfill is $27,167

  • Highway crews have started patching roadways throughout the county and president Rodney Fish thanked highway crews for keeping the roadways safe during the recent inclement weather

  • Emergency Management Director updated the commissioners on conferences and training she will be attending. She will be presenting on Cyber Security and things the county implemented to prevent this from happening again. The county experienced a data breach that was costly to the county. However, equipment upgrades and new equipment purchases will prevent future attacks.

  • County Attorney gave an update on the Opioid Litigation the county joined in the couple year ago.

  • Sheriff Mike Branham gave an update on the retirement plan with 80 percent funded after moving the retirement funding to German American Bank

Lawrence County Sheriff Mike Branham

Jail Counts include:

  • Total : 138

  • Males - 116

  • Females - 22

  • Level 6 Felony - 1

  • Department of Corrects - 20


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