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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Lawrence County Commissioners Approve Hiring of Deputy Auditor at Five Years' Experience

LAWRENCE COUNTY - JANUARY 31, 2023 - The Lawrence County Commissioners approved the hiring of Bedford Clerk/Treasurer Marsha Pheiffer at five years' experience on the county's pay scale.

Lawrence County Commissioners Left to right: Wally Branham, President Dustion Gabhart, and Rodney Fish

Lawrence County Auditor Jessica Staggs appeared before the Lawrence County Council last week, asking to hire Pheiffer at the five years pay scale which would require an additional appropriation of $1,840 to the Lawrence County Auditor's budget.

The Lawrence County Council approved the hiring of Pheiffer contingent on the approval of the Lawrence County Commissioners because the hiring differentiated from the salary ordinance and Employer handbook.

Lawrence County Council approve the hiring of Deputy Auditor Marsha Pheiffer contingent on the approval of the Lawrence County Commissioners

In the county's employee handbook, anyone leaving the county as an employee must start at the beginning of the pay scale for new hires. Previously, Lawrence County Commissioners and Council enforced the hiring policy.

Pheiffer last day as Bedford City Clerk/Treasurer is February 1st, Pheiffer resigned her position in early January.

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