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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Lawrence County Commissioners Approve Giving more Space to the Health Department with Conditions

LAWRENCE COUNTY - SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 - The Lawrence County Commissioner gave the Lawrence County Health Department more space on the condition that they make the necessary renovations.

Lawrence County Health Department was given more space in the area of the former public defender's office

" Our maintenance budget is already spent for the 2022 budget year," said Dustin Gabhart, Lawrence County Commissioner.

Paula Edwards, Lawrence County Health, Sanitarian requested some renovation to the clinic rooms, doors, security measures, plumbing and other upgrades to the former public defender office located on Mitchell Road.

" You have requested about $40,000 to $50,000 worth of upgrades that we just do not have the money at this time," Gabhart added.

Edwards told the commissioners that they would approach the Lawrence County Health Board and see if they were interested in financing the renovations of the new space given.

The Lawrence County Public Defender's office has moved to the Lawrence County Courthouse Plaza in the 915 16th Street in Bedford.

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