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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Jeff Quyle Talks to Mitchell City Council About Proposed Shell Building in the Industrial Park

MITCHELL - MAY 3, 2022 - The Mitchell City Council heard from Jeff Quyle, President of Lawrence County Redevelopment Commission and Chief Operating Officer of Radius of Indiana.

Proposed Shell Building replica for Mitchell Industrial Park

Quyle discussed with the City of Mitchell about the Memorandum of Understanding between both the Lawrence County Redevelopment Commission and City of Mitchell.

The purpose is to create economic development opportunities within the City of Mitchell.

The Tax Incremental Fund District sits outside the boundaries of Mitchell, however the Lawrence County RDC wants to use the proposed shell building to spur business growth within the area.

The RDC will have funds available following the completion of the Lehigh Cement Plant $600 Million Renovation of its facility.

Lawrence County Redevelopment Commission will construct a shell building on 14.9 acres and will sign a contract with a builder by January 2023. The proposed project will be completed by December 31, 2024 which will be 50,000 to 100,000 square feet. The building will have a height of no less than 30 feet.

Lawrence County Redevelopment has asked that in return for the construction of the building that the City of Mitchell will deed 14.9 acre parcel of land to the Lawrence County Redevelopment Commission. The ownership of the building and property will be deeded over to the Lawrence County Redevelopment Commission.

If the Lawrence County Redevelopment Commission does not have a contract in place by January 31, 2023 the parcel of property will revert back to the City of Mitchell.

Mitchell City Council members visited a similar type of shell building in Washington, Indiana.

The cost of the shell building is estimated between $3 to $4 Million and will be constructed in a way for it to expand.

At this time the MOU between is under review by the City Attorney Byron Steele, and no action was taken during the city council meeting Monday evening.

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