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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Increase in trash fees for Mitchell residents gets voted down Monday night

MITCHELL - DECEMBER 4, 2023 - The Mitchel Council president Larry Caudell proposal for an increase in trash fees got voted down Monday night in a 2-2 vote.

Mitchell City Council member Vicky Schlegel told Caudell until the city knows the cost of the new toters and new trash truck how can the city set the fee.

George James and Perry Reynolds voted in favor of the new fees and Daniel Talbott and Vicky Schlegel voting against the new fees. Larry Caudell who ran the meeting in the absence of Mitchell Mayor Nathan Jenkins could not break the tie.

Proposed new trash fees for Mitchell residents:

  • Fee raise by $3.00 in 2024 - The fee $13 for residential - $23 for business

  • Fee raised for $14 for residential and $24 for business in 2025

  • Fee raised to $15 for residential and $25 for business in 2026

The new trash pickup is not expected to begin until March 2024, and the city council must set a fee schedule before then.

Direction on the scheduled trash pickup will be provided to residents at a later time.

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