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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Festival for Heroes September 10th Approved During Lawrence County Commissioners Meeting

LAWRENCE COUNTY - (March 29, 2022) - The Lawrence County Commissioners approved Brad Bough, Lawrence County Veterans Affairs Officer, and Lawrence County Prosecutor Sam Arp II, request to hold 2nd Annual Festival of Heroes Celebration.

The event will take place 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the courthouse square. The only request by the commissioners was to work with the farmer's market.

In other business:

  • Heard about issues the prosecutor's office is having with moisture and mold in his office. Prosecutor Sam Arp received a quote of $31,388 for the work, and $13,500 for labor. The quote from the Living Room Center

  • Will move forward with Right of Way for Brad Hawkins on Old State Road 37 North, the legal notice must be advertised and public hearing on the matter.

  • Highway department will start paving projects shortly, with several projects planned for over the summer months.

  • Gave permission for GIS data to be given to a firm that is wanted voice over dispatch information. The city and counties boundaries being researched for this project.

Broadband Expansion Project in the County

The Lawrence County Commissioners are continuing to look at data on this project and find out the areas where the need is the greatest. The commissioners are working with Morley Associates on the project. The research continues on this project.

ARP Funds

The commissioners are a year into receiving $4.4 Million dollars in funds and expected final of $8.8 in ARP Funds. The plan for the use of the funds is due in 2024, and the funds having to be spent by 2026.

At this time the county has hired Baker/Tilly to advise them on how to best use the funds. The commissioners have received many requests which includes, Lawrence County Tourism, Lawrence County Recorder's office as well as the county volunteer fire departments for ARP funds.

" We are not behind; we are about where we need to be in determining how the money should be spent. We want to make sure we are right in dispensing these funds and not having to pay anything back due to errors. We will be working with the Lawrence County Council and consult them as this moves forward," said Rodney Fish, Lawrence County Commissioner president.


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