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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Fayetteville Lions Club Well Attended Saturday Evening

FAYETTEVILLE - ( April 9, 2022) - The Fayetteville Lions Club Ham & Bean Supper was well attended Saturday night.

The event was held at the Fayetteville Baptist Church fellowship hall. Fayetteville Lions Club was not able to have public events for over two years due to the pandemic.

Steam rises from a nice pot of ham & beans Saturday afternoon

Fayetteville Lions Park is situated between Fayetteville and Bedford on State Road 158, with two ball diamonds, a barn for event rentals, and playground equipment.

With any organization it takes volunteers to get things done. The Fayetteville Lions Club is always needing volunteers especially for summer baseball and softball seasons.

The Fayetteville baseball and softball sign-ups ended today. This year's baseball and softball program is set to be a fun time for area youth to exercise and have a great time.

The need for volunteers to work the games, umpires, coaches and concession stands are always needed.

Fayetteville Lions Club also supports the other missions of the Lions Club Internation and is an excellent way to serve the community.

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