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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Fayetteville Lions Club Mums Sale is underway to support Youth programing and projects

FAYETTEVILLE - AUGUST 5, 2023 - The time is now to get you mum orders in. The cost of the mums is 15 dollars each.

Photo: The photo is only for demonstration purposes and may not reflect the actual size or color

The mums are available in the following five colors: red, orange, purple, white and yellow.

The price is $15 a pot and help the organization support youth programs and community programs. The Lawrence County Zephyr will be doing a feature on this organization and the many activities they support.

Photo: The Fayetteville Lions Park is located on Indiana State Road 158 in Eureka and supports youth programs and community projects

The Fayetteville Lions Park is located on Indiana State Road 158 in Eureka and has baseball and softball programs.

For breaking news, news and information go to or like/ follow the Lawrence County Zephyr Facebook page.

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