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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Discussion on Lawrence County's next fire territory has begun with the City of Mitchell

MITCHELL - DECEMBER 4, 2023- The discussion for Lawrence County's next fire territory has begun between the City of Mitchell, Marion Township officials and Spice Valley Township (Huron) officials.

Photo: City of Mitchell and Marion Township battle a structure fire Saturday night on Doc Hamilton Blvd

At this time the City of Mitchell officials are waiting for Mayor elect Don Caudell, and the new city council members to begin before farther discussions start among the City of Mitchell officials.

Preliminary proposal calls for two paid firefighters being paid approximately $20 an hour for 24/7 coverage. There is discussion of staffing a ambulance in the Mitchell area.

The City of Mitchell has been without a fully staff ambulance since Seals Ambulance Service discontinued service a few years ago.

The Reedy Group have met with City of Mitchell and township officials on the proposal last week.

This would make the second fire territory in Lawrence County; as the Lawrence County Fire Territory began this year. Three firefighters and EMTs staff a fire engine and ambulance at the Sunny Acres Drive fire station for Shawswick and Guthrie Township.

Pleasant Run Township is considering joining the Lawrence County Fire Territory.

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