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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Defense Attorney asks for and granted direct verdict in Lawrence County Superior Court I Wednesday

LAWRENCE COUNTY - JULY 13, 2023 - The defense attorney, Denise Turner for Steven Bradley 33, West Baden, was granted a direct verdict at the start of a jury trial Wednesday morning.


Lawrence County Deputy Prosecutors Sarah Cummings and Chief Deputy Prosecutor Joshua Scherschel was in the courtroom for the State of Indiana, Adam Larimer and Denise Turner were in the courtroom for the defense.

The jury were selected and seated for the jury trial and Chief Deputy Prosecutor Joshua Scherschel, gave his opening arguments for the State of Indiana. Then, in an unprecedented move by the State of Indiana the prosecution rested their case against Bradley.

Photo: Steven Bradley, West Baden was granted a directed verdict on Wednesday and all counts were dismissed in Lawrence County Superior Court I

Defense attorney Denise Turner, immediately asked for a directed verdict on Counts I and Count II in the case. Which included, Level 4 Felony count of Burglary, Burglary of a dwelling, and Level - 6 Felony count of residential entry.

A directed verdict is when in a jury trial, a directed verdict is an order from a presiding judge to the jury to return a particular verdict.

Lawrence County Prosecutor Samuel Arp II, asked for a step-down instruction which was denied by Judge John Plummer III.

According to Judge John Plummer III the state failed to provide sufficient evidence in its case against Bradley.

The case was then dismissed by the Judge.

The case stems from when Mitchell Police Department was called to 930 Walker Addition on Saturday July 2, 2022, after a report from a neighbor that someone broke into her neighbor's home and was still inside.

When the Mitchell police officer arrived, he could hear glass breaking, and items falling onto the floor.

The officer attempted to enter through the front door, but the door was locked.

The officer was able to enter by opening a garage door. The officer announced his presence and heard the shuffling of feet. The officer exited the kitchen and went down a long hallway and announced his presence again and that he would release his canine.

That is when Steven Bradley, 33, West Baden approached the officer with his hands up.

Bradley told the police he was cleaning the kitchen. The homeowner of the residence arrived and stated no one should been in the residence. The homeowner did not know the two who was located inside the home. According to the homeowner the home was broken into the day before with jewelry was missing.

The jewelry was later located at a residence Bradley was staying. A ring that belonged to the homeowner's grandmother was worth around $3,000 was still missing but more than $5,000 worth of jewelry was taken.


Come and see us at the Lawrence County Fair for the final two nights

Come and see us the final two nights at the Lawrence County Fair

Grand opening on Saturday at 10:00 am with ribbon cutting at 11:00 am

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