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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Concerns of Overpayment at Fairgrounds Sends Request Back to Lawrence County Commissioners

LAWRENCE COUNTY - JULY 28, 2022 - The Lawrence County Council sent Bill Spreen's request for payment of work done at the Farm Bureau Building at the Lawrence County Fairgrounds has been sent back to the Lawrence County Commissioners.

Bill Spreen appeared in front of the Lawrence County Commissioners this month for a payment of $14,800 for work done at the Lawrence County Farm Bureau building at the fairgrounds

Bill Spreen requested a payment of $14,800 for an invoice for work performed by Lester Wagler & Sons for repairs done at the Lawrence County Farm Bureau Building. Spreen did not attend the Lawrence County Council meeting Tuesday, however Lawrence County Council member Scott Smith, who serves both as county council president, and member of the Lawrence County Fair Board Commitee made the motion to pay the invoice.

The committee appointed by the Lawrence County Fair Board allocation of county funds include Dustin Gabhart, Scott Smith and Bill Spreen. The committee was formed to prevent incidents such what occured.

However, Lawrence County Council member Rick Butterfield questioned the payment after learning that the Lawrence County Farm Bureau Inc. already paid half of the invoice in the amount of $7,400.

Patrick Redman, vice president of the Lawrence County Farm Bureau Inc. who was in attendance at the council meeting, told the council members Tuesday night that the group did in fact pay half of the amount.

Lawrence County Commissioners Wally Branham, President Rodney Fish, and Dustin Gabhart

At this time, it is not known why the Commissioners, and the fair board committee was unaware of the overpayment for the services rendered by the construction company.

In light of the new findings the Lawrence County Council sent Bill Spreen's request back to the Lawrence County Commissioners.

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