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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Community Shows The Love for Ethan Holsapple Family Saturday

BEDFORD - JULY 30, 2023 - On Saturday the community came out to support Bedford Fire Department Captain Jeremy and Amy Holsapple and most of all Ethan who is in a Bethesda, Maryland Hospital seeking treatment.

A total of $20,861 was raised from the Pancake Breakfast and Yard Sale that was held at the 1st Baptist Church in Bedford.

Photo: Ethan Holsapple

Last week, Ethan is suffering from some of the side effects of the chemotherapy. Ethan developed mucositis which is sores in his mouth and throat from the chemo treatments.

Doctors advised that this could last couple days or week but could be longer, and the worst side effects usually occur between 12 to 24 days following the treatment.

A feeding tube is in place through his nose for when he is unable to eat. Recreational therapy stopped by this morning to play monopoly but did not feel up to it, and had a rough day, last week.

Ethan completed his transplant on July 20th and the transfusion itself went well. Ethan is expected to be in the hospital for the next four months.

Photo: Bedford Firefighters show up at the pancake breakfast in support of Captain Jeremy Holsapple and his family

"Up until the last sixteen months, Ethan was just another rambunctious, healthy little boy but by December 2021, Ethan had begun to suffer from a severe gastrointestinal issue. Suffering from severe pain, he was unable to eat and was losing a half pound of weight per day as his health continued to deteriorate.

Ethan was admitted to Riley's Children Hospital in Indianapolis where he was a patient for most of 2022. Ultimately, Ethan was stabilized and diagnosed with Histoplasmosis in his intestinal tract and began a one year treatment regimen to rid his system of this infection.

It is estimated that around 60% of people living in southern Indiana and southern Ohio have

Histoplasmosis in their bodies but their immune systems keep it suppressed.

The main question Ethan's physicians had was why his immune system had failed to prevent this infection.

By August, after extensive testing, Ethan was diagnosed with CD40 Ligand Deficiency. CD40

Ligand Deficiency is an extremely rare immunodeficiency disorder that is found in only 1 in 500,000 male children.

In a nutshell, the absence of ligand prevents T-cells from interacting with other cells so they can produce antibodies. Consequently, it leaves the individual with no immune system.

Through God's providence, Ethan was referred to the National Institute for Health in Bethesda, Maryland." according to Jeremy and Amy Holsapple.

Photo: Bedford Fire Department Captain Jeremy Holsapple and his wife Amy are at the Bethesda, Maryland Hospital with their son Ethan

On Saturday the community showed by in full force who many people came to donate items, offer financial support and support the family so they could be with Ethan throughout his journey.

Photo: Bedford Fire Chief John Hughes and his wife Mia attend the pancake breakfast Saturday morning in support of Bedford Fire Department Captain Jeremy Holsapple

The Hilltop Pentecost Church to which Jeremy and his wife Amy are members helped organize the event, with the support of the First Baptist Church in Bedford, and Bedford Firefighters Local #728. There are many others who helped make this fundraiser successful.

Photo: A great turnout to help benefit the Ethan Holsapple family with medical expenses and allow the family to be with Ethan who will be in the hospital for at least four months

" As with most communities in southern Indiana, Bedford, to include Lawrence County was a wonderful place to grow up. The reason for that is the people who live there and at no time more evident than in the last several weeks, especially on the occasion of July 29th and the fundraiser for Ethan and our family," said Jeremy Holsapple.

Photo: EMS crews from IU Lifeline Ambulance Service attend the pancake breakfast on Saturday morning to help the family of Ethan Holsapple

" Amy and I would like to thank everyone for their time, donations, calls, cards and prayers. The support has been overwhelming and has left us humbled and in tears," said Jeremy.

" Last fall, Amy naturally having concerns not only for Ethan, but also for the financial impact this would have on our family, asked me what are we going to do. I told her that God would take care of us beyond our wildest expectations.

Photo: Many came to help with the fundraiser especially from the Hilltop Pentecost Church in Avoca which the Holsapple family attends

The beauty of all of it is that God has used all of you... our church, friends, co-workers, and neighbors along with the churches and businesses of Lawrence County, to completely meet and surpass all of our needs," Jeremy added.

" Words cannot express our gratitude. Most of all, Thank the Lord for all he has done not only for me but also my family. May he receive all the glory," Jeremy concluded.

For breaking news, news and information go to or like/follow the Lawrence County Zephyr Facebook page.

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