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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

City of Mitchell to create Storm Water Management and Special Storm Water Taxing District

MITCEHLL - APRIL 4, 2023 - The Mitchell Council plans on creating a Storm Water Management and Special Taxing District for the purpose of addressing the collection and disposal of stormwater of the City of Mitchell.

The new stormwater taxing district is not expected to be passed until the May, city council meeting until the May meeting. A public hearing will be held at a later date for the public to weigh in on the new taxing district.

Mitchell's Storm Water Management was created for the purpose of implementing capital improvements and conduction operation and maintenance activities for the department.

The special taxing district will include the city limits of the City of Mitchell. The special district is created for the purpose of levying special taxes and user fees for the storm water collection and disposal.

The terms of the directors of the Board appointed will be staggered in the following manner. One director serving a term consisting of remainder of 2023 and end December 31, 2024 one director serving a term serving the remainder of 2023 and ending December 31, 2025, and one director shall serve a term consisting of the remainder of 2023 through and including all of December 2026 which term will end December 31, 2026. After these intial terms of all of the directors shall be for a period of three years. A director shall hold over after the expiration of his/her term until his/her successor is named.

Video: Mitchell City Council looks at the Stormwater Taxing District ordinance

None of the directors will receive any compensation except for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

The board will prepare a budget for the operation of the department on an annual basis, which the budget shall be subject to approval of the city council. Any bonds must be approved by the Mitchell City council.

All the directors are appointed by the Mayor of Mitchell and can be removed at any time.

The city council has not acted upon the proposal at this time.

However, there was discussion on a member only being the age of 18 on the stormwater board. Council member George James thought that was to young of an age for a person to serve on this board.

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