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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Christopher Noel is Marshall Township Trustee Candidate Who Answered Subscribers Questions

MARSHALL TOWNSHIP - (April 9, 2022) - Christopher Noel is one of three individuals seeking the Republican nomination for Marshall Township Trustee.

The Marshall Township Trustee candidates include Tony Barrett, Jan Holmes Kirk and Christopher Noel. All three candidates have responded to the inquiry.

Each candidate was asked the same questions submitted by subscribers. Out of all the Lawrence County races, this race seen the largest response from subscribers.

Here is Christopher Noel's response to subscriber's questions.

1. Why do you want to be a Trustee of Marshall Township?

For almost 20 years I have worked and volunteered in various public service positions in local

government offices working around a multitude of elected officials. I have seen firsthand how

stellar public servants serve their constituents by listening, engaging the community, and

providing guidance in navigating government policies, answering pressing questions, and finding resources for those in need. They go above and beyond to be there for their community and I strive to be a public servant of the same accord.

After my years of public service experience in the Sheriff Reserves, Auditor’s office and county Legal department, I felt drawn to become even more involved in our Marshall Township community government by joining the Marshall Township Advisory Board in 2018. I feel that I have a well-rounded understanding and experience in local, state and federal government that would benefit the community if I am elected as the Marshall Township Trustee.

2. Is it possible to meet the needs of the fire department and park department if funding is

not allocated at a similar rate as assessed property values?

Both are critical needs for the Township and supporting the local Marshall Township VFD and

our Avoca Park are strong desires for both the Marshall Township community and me. However taxes can only be raised so much and, in this current economy, asking citizens to pay more isn’t the best option. That doesn’t mean we can’t find other ways to support the needs of Marshall Township. I will look at any and all grant opportunities, seek private donations, engage in community fundraisers, and more to meet the needs of the township just as we have done thus far to provide necessary equipment for our awesome fire department and beautiful park.

3. How would you notify the public of township meetings? 

All local publications (WBIW, Zephyr, the Times Mail and any other publication or person

requesting notice) would be notified of public meetings via email with ample time to allow the public the option to attend. Agendas would be created and shared prior to meetings to ensure the public would have foreknowledge of the topics to be discussed and to know when public input could be sought and provided. Using other means of communication such as social media (Facebook and various community pages) would also be used to help inform the public of upcoming meetings.

4. How do you see Marshall Township in four years?

Marshall Township will continue to grow in the coming years as people leave the higher cost of the Monroe County housing market and tax rates to seek smaller communities and governments.

This growth will spur new housing as well as businesses in the area. With that growth in

population will also come a growth in tax revenue without increasing the tax burden on

individuals. This increase in funds will help to provide even more fire protection and park

services. I also see an increase in our citizens becoming even more engaged in our small

community that they love and support. Many already show how much they appreciate our local VFD, park, and small businesses each and every day and I see that only increasing in the future and I am excited to be a part of it.

At this time you can tell the public about yourself and address any other topics not

mentioned in the questions.

My wife Katie and I have lived in Marshall Township for 13 years with our two young children.

I have worked as a Legal Assistant for the Monroe County Legal Department for 13 years and

for Monroe County Government a total of 17 years. I spent many years serving the community as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff under Monroe County Sheriffs Sharp and Kennedy.

I have been honored to serve Marshall Township over the past 4 years on the Marshall Township Board, first appointed by then Republican Party Chair Chris May in spring 2018 and then elected by the Marshall Township community that following general election cycle. In that time my fellow board members and I, along with long-serving Marshall Township Trustee Suzi Evans, have accomplished purchasing a new brush truck and firetruck for the MTVFD to replace aging equipment, formed the Avoca Park Board and have worked with the amazing, local park volunteers to ensure the improvement and enhancement of the Avoca Park.

The Lawrence County Zephyr will continue to have up to date coverage this year's primary race.

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