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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Changes to Tax Levies and Salaries for County Employees Will be topic of discussion Tuesday Morning

LAWRENCE COUNTY - SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 - The Lawrence County Council will meet in a special session on Tuesday morning next week at 10:00 a.m. to discuss changes to tax levies by various departments.

Lawrence County Council

No word on how this will affect taxpayers and the reasoning behind the changes to the tax levies. A public comment period on those changes have not been announced.

The Lawrence County Solid Waste District and Lawrence County Council already approved an maximum levy for the LCSWD. By state statue the Lawrence County Council has very little control over their budget request or levies. This is even though the Lawrence County Council approves both.


The Lawrence County Council vote on a 3 percent increase for both employees and elected leaders salaries died due to a tie vote of 3-3 in a previous meeting. Lawrence County Council woman Janie "Craig" Chenault was absent from that meeting attending a conference in California. The Lawrence County Council voted that she could not attend the meeting by Zoom.

The Lawrence County Council will take up the issue again on Tuesday.

Last year, elected leaders received a 17 percent pay increase and county employees received a 8 percent pay increase, county commissioners approved a 11.7 percent increase in health premiums by paid by the county, and incremental raises for employees.

Lawrence County council woman Janie " Craig" Chenault also referred to a Judicial Mandate however, none of the Lawrence County Council members say they could comment on this mandate. Lawrence County Council Attorney Katie Simon referred to an email sent to all the council members last Tuesday detailing why a meeting was cancelled to discuss those matters.

Council members had concerns over the Lawrence County General Fund being depleted from $8 Million to $3.9 Million rom 2019 - 2022. Lawrence County Council members were wanting to decrease budget requests down by $1 Million based on information provided by Lawrence County Auditor Jessica Staggs.

Council members did not reach that goal, which approximately $700,000 in cuts were made in the 2023 budget cycle.

Lawrence County Zephyr will continue to follow the developments in the 2023 budget process of Lawrence County Council.

Legal Notice of meeting listed below:

The Lawrence County Council will hold a Special

Meeting at the Lawrence County Courthouse, 916 15 th

Street, Rm 28, Bedford, Indiana on Tuesday, October 4,

2022 at 10:00 a.m.

The topic(s) for discussion will be:

1. To Review & Discuss 2023 Salaries & Levies

2. Determine Council Appointments for Coroner’s

Office, Veteran’s Affairs & 911 Board

3. Any Old Unfinished Business

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