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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Board of Works approves fire station bids for work on Englewood Fire Station

BEDFORD - JANUARY 18, 2023 - The Bedford Board of Works approved Kirts Renovations LLC for the installation of new flooring at the Englewood Fire Station Tuesday afternoon.

Kirts Renovations LLC was the lowest bidder in the amount of $4,550. The city already purchased the materials for the project, the bids was for the labor.

There were only two bids submitted which included Kirts Renovation LLC, who's owner is also a Bedford firefighter. The other bid was submitted by McIntyre Brothers.

Dustin Matlock - was originally going to submit a bid, however due to already covered up with other projects did not submit a bid. Matlock is Bedford Planning Department employee for the city of Bedford.

The city tabled the bids last month, which Kirts Renovation LLC, McIntyre Brothers, and MATCON General Contracting submitted bids.

In other business:

  • Approved and accepted the permanent status of Battalion Chief Bruce Deckard. " Bruce is a strong leader and the right person for this position," said Fire Chief Hughes on the promotion

  • Approved and accepted the permanent status of Captain Jeffery Armstrong. Armstrong rides Rescue 1 and is involved in training of other firefighters.

  • Approved and accepted the permanent status of Lieutenant. David Zeeks, who works out of Bedford Fire Station # 2 on the city's north side. " He is very knowledgeable and upcoming junior firefighter," said Chief Hughes on Zeek's promotion.

  • Approved the hiring of candidate Steven Hatton, to the Bedford Police Department. Bedford Police Chief Terry Moore, states that Hatton has passed all physical, mental evaluations, and learned this afternoon was accepted by Public Employee Retirement Fund

  • Approved Denise Henderson's request to purchase a ID printing machine not to exceed $1,695. The city normally used the police department's machine, but with the police department in the near future; the city believed the time was now to have their own.


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