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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

BNLHS Address Concerns Regarding School Violence

BEDFORD - (December 10, 2021) - Bedford North Lawrence School officials released a statement in regard to school violence.

The following statement says:

Good evening, BNL families. This is Principal Jordan Key. I wanted to take a moment to address some concerns that have surfaced. I have received communication from several parents this evening about a student who potentially made comments regarding school violence.

Administration was made aware of a situation among several students at school today. Administration responded immediately and student bystanders were interviewed. At this time,

administration addressed the concern with all parties involved and completed a threat assessment with the help of BNL's social worker and School Resource Officer. At this time, we believe the comments of school violence to be unsubstantiated. We will continue to monitor the situation to ensure the safety of all BNL stakeholders.

Thank you for your time and all you do to make BNL great. Good night.

No other information from officials have been released at this time from school officials.

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