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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Bedford RDC set to approve invoice to engineering firm for Bedford Police Station Today

BEDFORD - NOVEBMER 14, 2022 - The Bedford Redevelopment Commission is set to approve an invoice for engineering work for the new Bedford Police Station.

New Bedford Police Station to be completed in fall of 2023



November 14th, 2022]

StoneGate Arts & Education Center

Room 300

931 15th Street

4:00 P.M.


Call to Order

Reading of Minutes – October 11th Regular Meeting

November 3rd Special Meeting

New Business

1. Request Approval And Acceptance Of Payment For Midwestern Engineers Inc.

Invoice No. 202205600-04 – Construction Bidding For New Police Station Located

At 2308 16th Street - $7,500

2. Discussion


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