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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Bedford RDC Approves Purchase for Aldi's for New Police Station

Updated: Dec 22, 2021

Lawrence County Zephyr

Bill Raines

BEDFORD - (December 22, 2021) - The Bedford Redevelopment Commission approved a resolution to purchase the former Aldi's building on 2308 16th Street. The cost of the purchase is $825,000 with the RDC putting down $20,000 deposit.

The resolution itself giving the authorization for the president and secretary to sign and execute documents on behalf of the RDC.

Bedford RDC approved to purchase the former Aldi's building for $825,000 contingent on inspection. The building is located at 2308 16th Street

The cost of the renovation was not discussed during the meeting, however preliminary design of the building has also been completed.

The purchase is contingent on an appraisal, inspection and survey of the property. If for any reason find issues with the property, the sale can be denied by the RDC. The RDC has 60 days to reject the purchase.

Legal requirements may require a public hearing and the RDC may have to meet a couple more times before the purchase is finalized. The RDC can reject the purchase if need there is need prior to the 60 days.

" We have been in this process for a very long time and feel like the current police station has met its time. The police department located at 1601 K Street was first a fires station back in 1908. The Bedford Police moving into their current location in 1966. This is a big step for the city as the police department has outgrown its current facility," said Bedford Mayor Sam Craig.

Bedford Police moved into the building in 1966 that once was a fire station

The former Aldi's will give the police department 13,000 square feet to be utilized for training, conference room, and a way for prisoners to be transported in and out of the police department.

" I think this is great the city has seen the need to invest in our police officers. This will help us attract and keep officers by having a new building. We have made do for the 60 years with little complaints. The city has invested in getting our officer's police their own police cars, and recently new body cameras. We are glad they have responded to the safety of our officers and community.

According to Mayor Craig there is no timeline due to COVID, when Bedford Police will move into the new facility. This is a great location on a 2-acre lot that will give the police department being able to grow.

Mayor Craig stated said there is no plans to move to City Hall, however the moving of the police department was the next step that was needed in moving the police department, when asked by the media.

City Hall itself having structure issues, with temporary repairs being made to that facility.

" This is a good investment for the taxpayers and will serve the police department many years to come. The new technology and many other equipment purchases will help the department," said Ryan Griffith Bedford City Council member.

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