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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines


BEDFORD - JANUARY 10, 2023 - The Bedford Planning Commission moved Jerry Bell's request for a minor subdivision at 3148 on to a public hearing.

Property at 3148 Mitchell Road has been moved on to a public hearing by the Bedford Planning Commission

Bryon Buker, president of the commission expressed concerns about reports that there was only being one septic on the property for both the business and home.

The business is being sold, and the property owner wanted the two seperated.

Travis Norman of Travis Norman Property Group did not know anything about whether there was a septic for both the business and home.

Norman will report back to the commission during the public hearing about their concerns.

The commission in a 7-0 vote approved the request with the stipulation proper easements be obtained.

Bedford Plan Commission from left to right: Richard Burton, Angel Hawkins, Scott Moore, Steve Kimbley, Bryon Buker, Bill McFadden, Craig Turpen, and Brandon Woodward, Bedford Planning Director

The new officers for the planning commission include president Bryon Buker, vice-president Craig Turpen, and Secretary Brandon Woodward.

The Commission members include Bryon Buker, Craig Turpen, Richard Burton, Angel Hawkins, Steve Kimbley, Scott Moore and Bill McFadden.

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