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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Bedford Plan Commission approves a new resolution for Mobile Home Districts in the city


Correction: The owners of Thornes is David and Kathy Thorne as the original story has it listed as Phil Thorne.

The Bedford Plan Commission approved a new resolution on behalf of Thornes Mobile Home Park to allow for manufactured homes Type 1- and Single-family dwellings to Mobile Home Park District.

The matter now goes on the Bedford City Council for approval.

Photo: David and Kathy Thorne owns a manufactured home business as well as a mobile home park in the City of Bedford

There are already these types of homes built in the Thornes Mobile Home Park off of Pumphouse Road in Bedford.

The original city ordinances allowed manufactured homes Type I but did not allow manufactured type I homes.

According to Bedford Planning Director Brandon Woodward there are only two locations within the city this resolution would apply.

That would be the Thornes Mobile Home Park and the Rockport Estates Trailer Park (formerly known as Collins Trailer Court) located off 25th Street.

Photo: The new Rockport Estates have mobile homes being installed; with the new resolution it will also allow manufactured homes in the trailer parks. The Bedford City Council must approve the resolution

This would help improve the appearances in the city according to city officials. The city allows Manufactured type 1 in the residential neighborhoods zoned as R-1 - R-3.

The resolution is below:

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