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Bedford Firefighters Local # 728 Support Local Teachers

BEDFORD - AUGUST 5, 2022 - What's the most undervalued profession in today's world? Well in our opinion....Teachers, hands down no questions asked...teachers!

In honor of back-to-school time, the members of Local 728 have decided to give back to the ones who give the most. We're all well aware of how underpaid teachers are and how much of their own money gets spent to supply their own classroom. Local 728 wants to help out a few teachers this year before their new classes start rolling in those doors in a couple of weeks.

Here's what to do...if you are a K-12 teacher within Lawrence County simply FOLLOW our page, then LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE this post by Thursday July 21st no later than 11:59 PM and we will enter you into a drawing. There will be (10) $100 gift cards given away with this drawing

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