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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Bedford City Hall Getting Some Tender Loving Care

BEDFORD - JULY 18, 2022 - Work has begun on giving the Bedford City Hall a facelift.

Ale Surfacing LLC. from Orleans has started removing the paint from the city hall.

The work begun on Monday, according to Keith Grissom, ALE Surfacing LLC. " There is about six layers of paint and is some pretty tough stuff. It is soft underneath, and very hard on the outside, so our crews just have to set just right," said Grissom.

" When you hit it, starts to fade, you must move over to the good side, and feather the fade. What we are doing is correcting the brick., the brick has some gouges in it,"

David Umphress will then do the tuck work of the brick.

The goal was to get the removal on the west side of the building today, however it may take longer than expected. The power will have to be disconnected to city hall to complete the work around the power connections to city hall.

While they are waiting on the power disconnect the workers will work their way around the other side of city hall. " We are hoping to have the power disconnected on Friday, and Dave and I can blast it, and grind it, get everything done. We will then have the power back on Monday.

Ale Surfacing LLC has been in business about three years, and just completed a fraternity house at Indiana University last week, which was limestone, and the company also did the " Rocket Missile" at Mitchell City Hall. The company has five employees and prepared to do other projects.

There are three projects to help renovate and help with the appearance of city hall as the paint is starting to flake off on parts of the building.

The work will include brick and tuck work pointing, remove the exterior paint, remove and replace the shutters. The Umphress Masonry Inc. Bloomington, Indiana won the bid for the project of $170,000.

McIntyre's Brothers will be leveling the floors of city hall. The cost of the leveling of the floors will be $37,240.

The final project includes installation of a door for city hall, Umphress Construction will install the door at a cost of $8,200.

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