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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines


BEDFORD - DECEMBER 19, 2022 - Ordinance regarding Solar Panels for residential and business properties are expected to be approved during tonights Bedford City Council meeting.

There currently are no ordinances on the books for solar energy panels, and the installation of them.

The agenda of tonight's meeting is listed below:

City of Bedford

Council Meeting

December 19th, 2022

7:00 PM

StoneGate Arts & Education Center

931 15th Street

Prayer –

Pledge Of Allegiance

Call To Order

Reading And Approval Of Minutes – November 21st, 2022

Old Business

1. Tabled - Third And Final Passage - Ordinance 23-2022 – Establishing Solar Energy Installations – Brandon Woodward

2. Tabled – Board Appointment For White River Humane Society – Mayor Sam Craig

New Business

1. Election Of President

2. Motion And Acceptance Of Re-Appointments For Two (2) Redevelopment Commission –

Currently Judy Carlisle And Penny May

3. Ordinance 25-2022 – Ordinance Amending Chapter 74 - Parking – Parking On Sidewalks

Prohibited - Chief Terry Moore

4. Ordinance 26-2022 – Ordinance Amending Chapter 74 – Parking – Parking In Same Direction Of Traffic – Chief Terry Moore

5. Resolution 8-2022 – Resolution Transferring Funds From General Fund To Rainy Day Fund –Marsha Pfeiffer

6. Discussion

7. Adjourn

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