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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Bedford City Council Elects Judy Carlisle President for 2022

BEDFORD - (December 20, 2021) - During their last meeting for 2021 the Bedford City Council made appointments and elected the president for 2022.

Judy Carlisle will serve another term as president for the Bedford City Council in 2022

Judy Carlisle will serve another term as president to the Bedford City Council for 2022. The city council also made the following appointments to the various boards.

Judy Carlisle and Penny May was reappointed to the Bedford Redevelopment Commission for 2022.

Penny May will serve another term on the Bedford Redevelopment Commission with Judy Carlisle for 2022

  • Matt Parker will serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals for another term

  • Adam Chastain and Angela Hawkins will serve another term on the Bedford Plan Commission

  • Harold Turner resigned from the Bedford Urban Enterprise Association and an appointment has not been made for that position. By state statue this person must be a Democrat.

In other business:

  • Approved a resolution for the transfer of $57,000 from various funds for Bedford Police Chief Terry Moore to purchase Body Cameras and Vehicle Computers

  • Approved the Salary ordinance for 2022 which include pay raises for both the police and fire department.

  • Approved the administrative fee for the Bedford Urban Enterprise Zone

  • Approved the transfer of funds in the General Account so Clerk-Treasurer Marsha Pfeiffer can pay a contract for Baker-Tilly $10,000 to prepare for State Board of Accounts audits that will have more oversight of city funds in the next year.

  • Acknowledged the Conflict of Interest on record for 2022 which include the following city employees or elected officials

  • James G. Pittman - Stone City Collections LLC

  • Justin Spires - J & J Painting

  • Kevin Jones - J & J Locksmith

  • Ryan Griffin - McIntyre Brothers LLC

  • Jeremy Nolan - J and J Painting

  • Robert Pruitt - Robert Pruitt

  • Jerod Lee Wilcoxen - Jerod's Asphalt/Crack sealing Repair Services

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