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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Bedford Chamber of Commerce After Hours - North Lawrence Career Center

BEDFORD - (February 10, 2022) - The Bedford Chamber of Commerce After Hours was held at the North Lawrence Career Center to bring awareness of the Career Technical Education Month Thursday night.

(Left to right: Amy Redman Director North Lawrence Career Center, Steven McNab, Assistant Director, Chandler Turner, Anders Soerensen, Cooper McCart)

The event was well attended with community members learning about NLCC.

CTE Month is held each February to celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of technical programs and students across the country from K-12 through college and beyond.

Steven McNab, Assistant Director North Lawrence Career Center

During this month, Steven McNab Assistant Director North Lawrence Career Center; has been engaging with the students using trivia questions and facts over the intercom. This was used to promote CTE, to be able for students to learn more what that means.

North Lawrence Career continues to grow with enrollment at 1,200 students into 14 programs offered at the Career Center.

Amy Redman North Lawrence Career Center closing remarks

Hadley Teague in her fourth year of Agriculture Class who grew up on the farm. She has learned anatomy of cows. and veterinary tools. " I would like to be a dog groomer or veterinary tech," said Teague.

Izzy Shew, is enrolled in the Agriculture Class who wants to be a veterinarian. " The job shadowing program has really helped me. I have job shadowed at various veterinary offices in Bedford," said Shew.

Chandler Turner is interested in the Health and Medical Field, who wants to start out as an Emergency Medical Technician and work his way up to being a Paramedic.

( Left to right) Trey Kimbley and Chandler Turner talk about NLCC programs)

Chandler first started in Welding and Precision Machining and his second year in Health Sciences. With the program students can get a CNA certification, or Emergency Room Technician in the hospital upon graduation.

" Some classes can be very expensive, and this gives as an excellent opportunity of getting certified," said Turner.

Trey Kimbley, is enrolled in Health Sciences is in his second year of the program and is interested in nursing. " I love being able to care for people, we have learned how to care for babies, give shots, and start IV's," said Kimbley.

Lydia Scales, is taking early childhood education who has learned about the development of children, how they learn, and observe them learn. Scales would like to be a teacher, as early childhood teacher or high school teacher. " I would like to attend Ivy Tech or Indiana University.

Beth Felts who have taught at NLCS and currently the Child Development for over nine years. The childhood development classes has moved over to the North Lawrence Learning Center which is located in the former Stalker Elementary School. The students work part-time in the classroom then part-time in childcare rooms. Playful Pathways is bursting at the seams at this time.

The evening concluded with a drawing which included products made by students. See video below:

Lawrence County will be talking about the programs offered at the North Lawrence Career Center in another feature.

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