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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Bedford Board of Works Approves to Move Forward with Condemnation Proceedings

BEDFORD - JUNE 8, 2022 - During a special meeting of the Bedford Board of Works on Wednesday authorized the city to proceed with condemnation of three lots in Oak Manor Subdivision.

File photo of a lift station

The city is in the process of improvement project of the Spider Creek Lift Station.

The condemnation process will move forward with a court appointing two appraisals and a property owner to determine an appraisal for the three lots. The city and the property owner Hand Me Up LLC owner Delbert Schulenburg could not reach an agreement. Therefore, the city will use imminent domain to gain access to the properties.

Board of Works members also approved a new contract with AIM Medical Trust for health insurance for the city employees. The cost of the new agreement will be at $3.1 Million.

The previous provider Anthem notified the city of increase in cost to the city would increase to approximately $ 5 Million. The cost included $1.1 costs in employee in a term called lasering.

The city obtained bids also from United Medial with costs estimated at $3.7 Million.

AIM trust includes the representatives with the Indiana State legislature and representatives across cities and towns across Indiana. Under previous insurance premium renewals, the city had to renew prior to the budget process for the city. The renewals will renew in January of each year with the budget process.

" The city employees were favorable to the changes. The Health Wellness program was also better for the employees," said Denise Henderson Bedford Human Resources director.

The proposal now moves on to the Bedford City Council.

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