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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

Amy Redman Seeks Republican nomination in Crowded Lawrence County Council District 1

LAWRENCE COUNTY - (March 28, 2022) - The Lawrence County Council District 1 Council race is one of the most interested out of the council races.

Lawrence County Council President Scott Smith currently holds the seat and decided to run for Lawrence County Commissioner. The Republican party has four candidates running which includes Amy Redman, Jeff McKnight, Bill Spreen, and Ryan Turner.

Each of the Lawrence County candidates were given four questions submitted by subscribers of the Lawrence County Zephyr.

Here is Amy Redman's response to the questions:

1. Some of the candidates used the term conservative in their campaign press release, however the Lawrence County Budget is over $28 Million the highest on record. Explain how you will look at the future budget process?

Our county budget has steadily increased over the past several years as assessed property values have increased. However, that is just one piece of many that create a complex county budget. Detailed research into each of those pieces and honest conversations with the entities that receive public funds are my first two goals if elected. It is time for a reassessment of fund allocation, time to discover exactly where taxpayer money is directed. Council members need to explore future trends and economic projections before settling on permanent funding adjustments.

2. The recent Justice Study calls for a $46 Million new jail to be constructed at another location, new justice center, and a fourth courtroom. As a county council member how would you pay for this proposal, and what taxes would be utilized to pay for this?

Because I was not privy to the details and inner workings of that study, there are many questions I need answered. I plan to work collaboratively with those in the entire justice system to facilitate a plan that provides assistance and brings sustainability. I have long been a proponent of identifying root causes, establishing protocols to address them, and following through with those plans. By seeking out creative solutions to other issues, I believe there is an answer that has minimal financial impact to the residents of Lawrence County.

3. Why do you want to be a county council member?

My desire to serve on the County Council is driven by my passion for workforce development and community engagement. I want to lead our county to find long-term sustainability by investigating what can be done at a broad level to develop and retain an attractive workforce that will remain rooted in Lawrence County. My experiences as a teacher at Mitchell High School and school administrator provide me with a unique ability to bring people of differing opinions and backgrounds together to work toward the greater good. As the director of the Career Center, I manage federal and state funds following all of the required guidelines and regulations. Clear, consistent communication and decisions based on facts are characteristics I want to bring to county government. Looking to the future needs of our county are crucial to our continued success, and I possess a strong desire to lead change when change is necessary. I stand committed to the people of Lawrence County, keeping their best interest as my top priority.

4. How would you make sure county office holders keep within their established budgets?

While I know that we cannot predict every future event, we must be diligent to anticipate expenses at the time budgets are submitted. As a new member of the Council, I would open up communication with each entity while reviewing their previously submitted budgets. An elected official assumes the responsibility to hold each department head accountable within their defined budget, and that includes submitting detailed plans to explain the usage of public funds. If elected, I will use clear and consistent communication to control the spending of taxpayer money and dutifully represent the people of District 1 and all of Lawrence County.

At this time you can add additional information or communicate to the voter other things not addressed in these questions.

I have never considered myself a politician, but it only took a few years as a public educator to understand the full impact government policies have on our daily lives. What started as an interest in policies affecting public education and agriculture developed into a desire to make a difference. I understand the importance of making decisions based on facts. I want Lawrence County to be strong. I’m prepared to lead that change while focused on our future and humbly ask for your support and vote to represent District 1 on the Lawrence County Council.

This week, Lawrence County Zephyr will provide election coverage of the Lawrence County Council races, then the contested township trustee races.

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