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  • Writer's pictureBill Raines

10th Bertha's Mission Thanksgiving Meal - Feeds Both Body and Soul

BEDFORD - NOVEMBER 19, 2022 - The 10th Annual Thanksgiving meal mission of feeding both body and soul did just that on Saturday.

(Team of volunteers helps out at several locations throughout Lawrence County Saturday for the community annual Thanksgiving Meal)

At the First Baptist Church several was treated to food, song, and a presentation by local attorney Adair Brent on how to being a second and third blessing to the community.

Preacher Clarance Brown lifting spirits of " How Great Thou Art", trio of ministers singing, "Amazing Grace", both acapella by the way, and " This Light of Mine" were many of the songs to be able to give God Praise for the things he has done in the spirit of thanksgiving.

" I worked all week trying to cook and help prepare for this event," said Johnnie Doss, Director of Food Services Bertha Mission. Doss has been preparing meals for Bertha's Mission over the last two years. " This is my personal mission to feed both peoples body and soul," added Doss. Doss a member of the 2nd Baptist church in Bedford.

Doss along with a wide range of volunteers help serve the people who come for the fellowship of a Thanksgiving Meal, and those who do not have transportation, or other physical limitations are taken care of by home delivery. Those requests taken about a week before the event to make sure they are served.

" I just want to thank the many volunteers, businesses, and individuals who donate their time and money to make this event a success," said Janice Pendergrass.

Volunteers of all ages believe in the motto " Its more blessed to give than to receive"

Pendegrass vision to bring the community together has been birthed in her, and now with the help of many churches and other people who see and feel that same vision and carry it on after ten years is humbling to Pendergrass.

The passage of scripture Matthew 25:35-36 remains the vision of Community Thanksgiving Meal and Bertha's Mission itself.

" For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes, and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison, and you came to visit me,"

The Bertha's Community Thanksgiving received help from the clients at the Men's Warming Shelter who helped setting up the event, clean-up following and will be helping with the upcoming Fantasia fundraiser for Life Food Pantry.

" Our gentlemen who stay at the shelter are willing to help all the time. The like being able to give back and help others who are disadvantaged or having a difficult time and lifting one another up. These men like helping and being part of the community," said Heather Flynn Men's Warming Shelter. Flynn says with the colder temperatures more are starting to use the shelter with about 14 men who are using the new facility on H Street.

Flynn was one of the first community members to help Janice Pendergrass with her mission of feeding those in the community. Flynn organizing the first soup supper to give financial help to Bertha's Mission. First Baptist Church hosting the meal for the last ten years at fellowship hall.

From Becky's Place, Men's Warming Food Pantry, LIFE, and Bertha' Mission all have been working together to fill the needs of the community. The mission of all the local organizations is to meet the short-term and long-term needs of the community. In the end fulfilling the commission of Christ to Love One Another.

Bertha's Mission Community Thanksgiving Meal was hosted at other locations in Lawrence County.

Again, thanks to all the individuals, churches, businesses, and community members who make the event a huge success.

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